Dear Friday,
You are my favorite.
Dear Strength Workouts,
Me and you? Twice in one week? That's definitely some kind of record.
Dear Mom,
Thanks for using your knowledge of how obsessed I am with birthdays + how much I love dessert + how much I love surprises and combining them to create the best birthday treat ever!
which brings me to...
Dear Nothing Bundt Cakes,
I don't even understand how something so delicious can even exist. Seriously, you are making the world a better place and I love everything that you stand for.
Dear Katy Perry,
I'm not sure why you were in my dream last night, but it reminded me...
A) How fantastic your documentary was (seriously y'all, tears were shed) and
B) How much I love you and am ready for your next album.
Dear Family,
I really love you all. Thanks for such a yummy birthday dinner and for spoiling me rotten.
Dear Tomorrow's Run,
Please have mercy on me. I am nowhere near ready for you. The heat, the humidity, and the onion rings and cookie cake for dinner may not have been the best choice. However, Garmin will make you way more fun than usual.
Dear Friends,
Hurry up and get out here. I'm ready to get my birthday on.
Yay so glad you had a fun birthday!! That food looks so good I love onion rings!!