Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Best Run Ever (Proposal Story Part 2)

(You can find Part 1 here!)

After all the smiles and the smoochin', Taylor's roommates headed to Chuy's and said they'd get a table while we walked back through the proposal setup for more pictures. There was a mini-race going on on the trails, and since I was robbed of a training run, I pretended to be a part of the race. Don't worry, I only ran like ten feet.

I'm not sure whose idea the photo reenactments were, but totally ridiculous is just our style, so it worked :)

Yes, that is a stick.

Aaaannnd then we pretended the ring box was a rubiks cube. It's called improvising, people.

Slowest run of all time, but I guess I'll let it slide.

This might look sweet, but I'm pretty sure the words coming out of my mouth were "FAJITAS FAJITAS I'M STARVING I'M STARVING!"

As we walked up the sidewalk to Chuy's, I looked through the door window and did a double take when I saw one of my best friends and college roommate, Alli. As soon as I saw her, Taylor opened the door to not just Alli, but about 30 more of our closest friends and family!

Aaand then I proceeded to cry like a baby.

Seriously I don't think I've ever been so happy in my entire life.

LOVE her.

The first person I saw after Alli was my Mimi AKA my favorite person in the entire world. My mom worked her butt off for me and my brother when we were little, so we spent almost every single day with Mimi. I'm pretty sure I crumbled in her arms. Such a special moment. 


And all my sweet friends!!

And my adorable roomie :)

And our giant table of people! It has been SO hot since August began, and in a serious act of God, I'm pretty sure the high temp the day Taylor proposed was only around 90 degrees. We had dinner on the patio and it couldn't have been more perfect.

And cookie cake :)

And more best friend love :)

Sweetest friends of all time.

And a Jordan shot. (Jordan has been Taylor's roommate for almost as long as we've been dating. They are a handful when they are together and sometimes it feels like I am the mom and they are the crazy kids you just want to smack. But I secretly love him to death!) This is super typical.

And Quaid, Taylor's other roommate (are you confused yet?) told me I had to do a Super Bowl ring pic. Yeah, I'm hardcore.

My fiance (WEIRD!) with some of the girls!

Moms pic!

Dad and brother! Y'all. My brother is HUGE. I don't when he turned into a grown up with FACIAL HAIR (seriously?!) but I officially feel OLD. 

I absolutely couldn't be any happier. I am so freakin' excited for this next stage in our life, and I can't imagine diving head first into it with anybody but this guy.




  1. Such a cute story! Yall are just too cute. Cant wait to see the wedding planning!

  2. OMG!!! This is soooo cute! Congratulations!!! Everything looks so perfect!!! :)



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