Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The greatest invention EVER and I love getting mail

Feast your eyes on what I believe to be the most spectacular things ever to be invented by mankind. EVER. Actually woman kind. Because there is no way I buy that a man could ever think of something so brilliant. These things could only be the product woman's perfect combination of genius and desperation.

Just sayin'.

Guess what? I don't care. 

My projects for this week are 1) trying really hard to "rest" up for this weekend 2) installing this awesome towel bar in my room to hang clothes up on via this brilliant pin...

This is going to enhance my quality of life by like 30%. I'm sure of it.

My roommate did this in her room and I've been saying for a month that I'm going to put one up in my room too. The plan was to make Taylor install mine tonight (he's handy), but instead we did this...

And this...

Sorry we're not sorry. Not even a little bit. 

My third and final project is to create the perfect playlist for this weekend! I'm brainstorming like a crazy person to find the perfect combination of songs that will keep me pumped up for approximately 13.1 miles. So here is my request. EVERYONE who reads this (and yes I mean you, you're not fooling anyone) has to leave a comment with your song suggestion. I'm not just saying that because I'm comment hungry. I pinky promise. I need songs people. Lots of 'em. Bring it.

Also-side bar, this Halle Berry 911 movie looks SCARY. I mean "when the commercial for it comes on I mute the TV and hide beneath the covers" kind of scary. 

I'm going to reiterate that it is obvious that I am a fake grown-up  because getting mail is still really exciting to me. But today I got the best piece of mail EVER...

So, I told her I'd have to think about it. Gotta make 'em wait it out. Like playing hard to get. 
Just trust me.



PS: Seriously people, song suggestions! K. Bye for real now. 


  1. I couldn't fit the question mark on your card. haha.

    I run to slow songs, so you don't want my suggestions.

  2. my topsies:

    till i collapse eminem
    the fighter gym class heroes
    all the above t pain
    heart of a champion nelly
    bottoms up keke palmer
    lose yourself eminem
    remember the name fort minor


  3. pretty girl rock :)
    I'm not really a Ke$sha fan buttttt I have found that I like running to some of her new songs. P.S. I still love your blog!!!

    1. YES!! I need to put her in my playlist too! I totally agree, she's obnoxious but her sons are upbeat and so catchy!



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