Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ten Photo Tuesday

I'm still completely obsessed with this cup. 

You run a marathon and your friends give you presents. Thanks Em!

Found on Pinterest this morning:

I don't have a puppy, or a baby, but I do have a soul, so that made me giggle. Who doesn't love baby humor?

Chick-fil-a was calling my name at lunch today. 

I really wish I could say that chicken sandwiches sitting under a heat lamp and served on a plastic tray didn't appeal to me, but it's just not true. I could've gone back for a second one. And yeah, I use ALL of those packets of honey roasted barbecue. Every last drop of it. That stuff is the bomb. 

I wore my really tight red pants to work today, so all day long my legs felt like sausage rolls. 
Not good. 

I wish they would stop bringing fun sized Snickers to work. 

They are TOO fun.

After work I went to get my nails done. Which means wine. Free wine. 

It's Tuesday. Which means it did not last long. Hopefully my polish will last longer.

And zucchini pizza for dinner. 

And then I whipped these together. 

Sally's Baking Addiction Inside Out Chocolate Chip Cookies
The dough is currently chilling in my fridge waiting to be baked tomorrow. I don't know how, but I summoned the self control to not devour the entire bowl before baking them. 

And because I've been really in to cookies lately, I'm going to have to start doing this. 

Too awesome.

I just spent two hours packing and cleaning, so I'm pretty tired. 
I hope to be more interesting tomorrow. Cross your fingers. 




  1. I too am a freak with honey roasted BBQ sauce. So good !!!

  2. Ahh, Chick-Fil-A...love the yumminess, hate the politics. Anyway. That cup you have--is that a permanent straw, and if so, how do you clean it? I have something similar. Wondering when I need to toss the straw...

    1. Bahaha to Chick-Fil-A. I try not to let politics interfere with my fried chicken, but I was definitely in support of all those doin' the smoochin in front of the franchise ;)

      That straw came with it! It's a pretty heavy duty plastic one. I only drink water from mine, so I only wash it like once a week (that may be gross, but I'm the only one drinking out of it and it goes EVERYWHERE with me) but I usually put a drop of soap in it and run really hot water through it and then put the straw in the dishwasher with the silverware. It may not be the most effective but it works fine for me.



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