Wednesday, May 7, 2014

You know it's going to be a good day when... wake up with R. Kelly’s Bump N’ Grind in your head. 

God, I’m old. But man, what a good song. Also, what does the "R" in R. Kelly stand for? Does anyone know? Or perhaps everyone knows and I'm just an idiot. Hmmmm. I gotta wikipedia that. 

I also thought now would be a good time to catch you up on life as a wife. Basically, I've been doing a lot of this...


A lot of me hanging out in the kitchen, in my wedding day robe.

A lot of getting more wedding gifts.

(He hangs out in real clothes because he's an overachiever.)

 And, we’ve been watching a LOT of The Mindy Project.

IM SORRY! No, you know what? I’m NOT sorry. Because something special happens when I get lost on Pinterest searching “Mindy quotes.” It lights a fire in my soul and I CANNOT STOP SCROLLING. You know the feeling right? Don’t overthink it. Just enjoy, ok?

Basically married life consists of a lot of food and TV. Completely magical.

Anyways, there are other things going on too. Like the fact that I bit the really early bullet and signed up for the Dallas Marathon…again. (If you need a refresher on what happened last year, try here.) 

The deal with last year’s cancellation was that if you were registered to run 2013, they gave you a special deal on this year’s registration ($65 for a marathon, not too shabby). So if you finish the race this year, you’ll be given your finisher medal for both 2013 and 2014. The whole objective here is – getting that damn medal. And hopefully PR the crap out of it. Is looking ahead to a December marathon a little ridiculous? Yeah, a little. But it also gives me a reason to not completely slack off all summer long. Which is good, because as of now, all of my shorts from last year are fitting quite snugly. 

Although Taylor has kindly argued that he went into my drawer and meticulously shrunk each pair of shorts from last year, I am starting to think otherwise. Yayyy bikini season.

Is it too early to start the countdown to my birthday? I say no. 26 days y'all.

(Yes. That is me. I have recently lost 45 pounds and gone blonde.)



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