Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Mileage Goals and the Weirdest Lunch Ever

Happy Monday all! I thought I'd share a rough outline of my mileage goals for this week. It gives me one more reason not to slack off with my training. And for those of you who couldn't care less about my weekly mileage, here's a food pic:

WEIRDEST LUNCH EVER. (You may also notice the two Jurassic sized bites
already taken out of the bagel thin. I have no self control.)
I was craving veggies and carbs, and since I lazied out on my usual Sunday grocery run, it was leftover broccoli, spinach, and an everything bagel thin. So now that I am left craving fruits, protein and other normal mid-day meal contents I can assure you I will be stopping by Target the minute I finish my run tonight.


I'm 18 days away from the 10K, and a actually little ahead of my half marathon training schedule, so (knock on wood) I'm feeling pretty good. So this is what I've got set up for this week:

Monday: 5 miles ('mill run)
Tuesday: Bike or Bodyflow Class
Wednesday: 4 miles ('mill run)
Thursday: 5 miles (trail run, yay!)
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Run 6 miles (trail run)
Sunday: Easy long walk or 2 mile jog

So total weekly mileage goal= 20 miles (give or take depending on weather and the level of my exhaustion on Sunday.)

Does anyone else set their workout goals for the week? Or do you find yourself just going with the flow and doing whatever you feel like on a day to day basis?

Have you ever been forced to throw together a weird random lunch like mine? 
- Once in college, I came home to my best friend (roommate at the time of this story) cooking some ground beef on the stove. When I asked her what she was having for lunch, all she responded was, "Meat." Best lunch story EVER. And that is why we are best friends.




  1. Great goals!! you'll get it done :D

    Lately, I've been telling myself a certain amount of miles I want to run so that I can write about it on my blog - so, the blog keeps me going! haha, good luck!

    1. Haha, I feel ya! What would we talk about without running?

  2. Noooo you asked what I was COOKING. Big difference.

    And my lunch today was a hamburger patty and tortilla chips. I always have weird lunches.



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