Monday, January 28, 2013

Dear Texas

Dear Texas,

While I am well aware that you are the home state of the "unseasonably warm winter," it's time for you to pull it together. I mean, seriously?!

I am complaining about this beautiful weather for the following reasons. 1) I am a grown-up. This means that between the hours of 8&5 I am handcuffed to my desk at my big girl job, and by the time the handcuffs come off, IT IS DARK AND I HAVE TO RUN AT THE GYM. Which means this beautiful 77 degree January day- is WASTED. And 2) I am too poor to start Summer clothes shopping in January. TOO poor. I am begging you, Texas, work with me here! I am not done with hot chocolate yet. 

And while I'm writing letters, I'd also like to drop quick line to the Girl Scouts...

Hi Scouts, 

I know that not everyone is aware that in addition to being couriers of deliciousness, you are also a bunch of green uniform wearin' mini-comedians. But I am, I get you.

Use before September 1, 2013??? Seriously Scouts, you are hilarious. No household in America could manage to make Girl Scout cookies last until September. 

Seriously. I'm still laughing.

Right now I've got the Bachelor playing in the background and I just want to say that this Pretty Woman date is EVERY WOMAN'S DREAM. I mean, am I right?? EVERY WOMAN'S DREAM. I knew I should've auditioned for this show. It's okay, Taylor has seen Pretty Woman so I really think he'd understand. (And Taylor if you are reading, can you call Neil Lane and see if he will let me borrow the diamond necklace for our date night at Chipotle this Friday? KThanks.)

Because I'm out of things to say and you probably don't care to read any more of my letters, here are this week's Monday Mileage Goals:

Monday: 4 mile run (check!)
Tuesday: 6 mile run
Wednesday: Elliptical & 2 mile jog 
Thursday: 5 mile run
Friday: 30 minute Hill/Speed Intervals
Sunday: 11 mile run

That long run on Sunday might possibly have to be moved to Saturday depending on how our SuperBowl plans turn out. I'm hoping they consist of minimal amounts of football, and lots and lots of food. I mean LOTS. With a few hilarious commercials thrown in there between touchdowns and wings. 



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